Книга Книга Solutions - Просунутий - Блок 4 - 4C
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 4 - 4C у підручнику Solutions Advanced, наприклад «фінансування», «ініціювати», «надавати» тощо.
to make something stop or prevent it from happening, often in a temporary way
to cause someone or something to display or possess a specific quality, emotion, or state
робити, змушувати
the act of providing money or capital to support a project, organization, or activity
to make the intensity, level, or amount of something increase
підвищувати, збільшувати
a sum of money that has to be paid, based on one's income, to the government so it can provide people with different kinds of public services
to make the first move in the beginning of a process
ініціювати, почати
a specific task or undertaking that requires effort to complete
проект, завдання