to intentionally ignore or act without concern for something or someone that deserves consideration

ігнорувати, зневажати

to make someone or something not fit or suitable for a particular position or activity

to cause someone to feel mentally uneasy, worried, or disturbed

обурити, потурбувати

a show of respect or admiration for someone or something, often expressed through a creative work such as a painting, poem, or song

данина, вшанування

a medical system that treats the disease by administering substances that mimic the symptoms of those diseases in healthy persons

гомеопатія, гомеопатичне лікування

a speech or a piece of writing that is meant to advise people on the correct way of behaving


a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or criminal act

злочинець, винахідник

to make something, typically a problem or an undesirable situation, continue for an extended or prolonged period

увічнити, зберігати

the quality of being permanent or continuing with no foreseeable end

вічність, перманентність

(of lines or planes) intersecting each other at a 90 degree angle


to make something right when it was previously incorrect, improper, or defective

виправити, коригувати

the quality of behaving and acting with strong moral values

праведність, неупередженість

a sum of money or goods donated, especially to a common fund or for a common purpose

внесок, пожертва

someone who gives money, time, effort, goods, or other resources to support a person, organization, or cause

співучасник, дона́тор

someone who makes a humble, submissive request or plea, often to a person or deity in a position of higher power

молильник, прохач

the act of requesting aid, mercy, or forgiveness from a god or saint

молитва, благання