Книга Face2face - Вище середнього - Блок 8 - 8C
Тут ви знайдете лексику з розділів 8 - 8C у підручнику Face2Face Upper-Intermediate, наприклад «дилема», «звичайний», «переслідувати» тощо.
easy to comprehend or perform without any difficulties

простий, зрозумілий

involving many different parts or elements that make something difficult to understand or deal with

складний, комплексний

to make changes to or modify something, making it slightly different

варіювати, змінювати

a situation that is difficult because a choice must be made between two or more options that are equally important


in a way that does not involve anything additional or beyond what is mentioned

commonly done or practiced within a specific situation, place, or society

звичний, прийнятий

to intentionally say or do something that disrespects or humiliates someone

образити, принизити

to follow a person or thing and see where they go, often for the purpose of catching them

переслідувати, ганятися

to be the first person who finds something or someplace that others did not know about

відкрити, знайти