to abbreviate
to shorten the form of a word or a group of words to represent all of it

скорочувати, зменшувати

(psychology) a person that is preoccupied with external things and prefers social situations

екстраверт, екстравертка

to extrude
to force or shape a material, often a plastic or metal, through a die or a mold to create a specific form

екструдувати, видавлювати

holding or promoting extreme opinions in politics, religion, etc.

екстремістський, радикальний

to sequence
to arrange items or events in a particular order

послідовно розставляти, упорядковувати

a school or institution that offers vocational courses

політехнічний, політехнікум

unwilling to behave differently or change one’s opinions or attitude, especially in an unreasonable way

негнучкий, незгладимий


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