Загальна Підготовка IELTS (Рівень 6-7) - Негативні емоційні стани
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з негативними емоційними станами, які необхідні для іспиту General Training IELTS.
having no energy or interest in doing anything
летаргічний, апатичний
not being actively involved or showing interest in a particular situation or activity
не залучений, відірваний
lacking creativity, motivation, or enthusiasm
без натхнення, недостатньо творчий
lacking a sense of drive or inspiration
немотивований, без мотивації
not paying close attention or showing a lack of focus
неуважний, байдуже
feeling irritated and upset because of being unable to achieve something or change an unwanted situation
фрустрований, роздратований
very nervous in a way that makes one unable to think clearly
схвильований, погодній
feeling nervous or worried because of thinking something unpleasant might happen
worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it
нервовий, тривожний
appearing to have no chance of success and disappointingly so
поражений, розчарований
not confident about oneself or one's skills and abilities
невпевнений, недостатньо впевнений у собі
feeling angry or annoyed, often due to something unpleasant
роздратований, сердитий
experiencing intense sadness, grief, or disappointment due to a broken romantic relationship or other loss
зламаний, сумний
feeling sad, discouraged, or low in spirits
пригноблений, втомлений
feeling stressed or burdened by a lot of tasks or emotions at once
перевантажений, засмучений
experiencing sudden and overwhelming fear or anxiety
в паніці, припадковий
unable to concentrate or focus due to having one's attention drawn away by various thoughts or external interruptions
відволіканий, розсіяний
having or displaying great dislike for something
омбручений, відразливий
doubtful about the honesty of what someone has done and having no trust in them
підозрілий, недовірливий
feeling or being disconnected from others, either physically or socially
ізольований, відчужений
(of a person) inclined to speaking irritably or responding in a sharp or offensive manner
гострий, дратівливий
(of a person) refusing or unable to let go of anger or hatred toward others or past events
гіркий, образливий
feeling embarrassed or distressed due to failure or disappointment
розчарований, засмучений