Список Слів Рівня C1 - Назви посад
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі назви посад англійською мовою, наприклад «помічник», «психіатр», «куратор» тощо, підготовлені для учнів C1.
someone whose job is managing and organizing the work of a company or institution

адміністратор, управлінець

someone whose job is giving assistance to an important person, particularly a politician

асистент, помічник

a person of senior rank in charge of a company's technological matters

головний технічний директор, директор з технологій

someone who is in charge of a museum, taking care of a collection, artwork, etc.

куратор, зберігач

someone who is in the business of organizing or sponsoring a sporting event or artistic production

промоутер, організатор

the person who is in charge of a fire department

начальник пожежної служби, головний пожежник

a professor who has the highest rank in a university

професор, повний професор

a professional whose job is examining people's eyes and telling them what type of glasses they should wear

оптометрист, офтальмолог

a professional whose job is treating physical disorders concerned with movements of limbs by giving massages, exercises, etc.

фізіотерапевт, кінезіотерапевт

someone who is involved in a profession, particularly medicine

практик, спеціаліст

a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of mental illnesses or behavioral disorders

психіатр, лікар-психіатр

a young individual, often a woman, who lives abroad with a family to learn the language, and helps in the house and takes care of children for some money

няня au pair, молода помічниця

someone whose job is to paint the inside walls of buildings and hang wallpaper

декоратор, дизайнер інтер'єрів

a man who is skilled in practical jobs in or outside the house, performing them either as an occupation or hobby

майстер на всі руки, бригадир

a person whose job is to do the cleaning and cooking in a house or hotel

домашня робітниця, прибиральниця

someone whose job includes heavy physical work that does not require much skill

робітник, працівник

someone who is employed at a beach or swimming pool to keep watch and save swimmers from drowning

рятувальник, рятувальник на воді

a woman whose job is to take care of a child in its own home

noun: няня, noun: гувернантка

someone whose job is carrying people's baggage, particularly at airports, hotels, etc.

портьє, носильник

someone whose job is to take care of a forest, park, or an area of countryside

лісник, рейнджер

a person or group of people who control the property or money that belongs to another person

доверена особа, адміністратор

a person of the highest authority over a company's financial matters

фінансовий директор, головний фінансовий директор