
Sách Solutions - Cơ bản - Đơn vị 8 - 8G

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 8 - 8G trong giáo trình Solutions Elementary, chẳng hạn như "mét", "búa", "trượt ván", v.v.


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Solutions - Elementary

related to athletes or their career

Khỏe mạnh

Khỏe mạnh

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[Tính từ]

anything that takes place, particularly something important

biến cố

biến cố

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[Danh từ]

the basic unit of measuring length that is equal to 100 centimeters

đồng hồ tính cước

đồng hồ tính cước

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[Danh từ]
high jump

a sport in which participants jump over a horizontal bar that is placed at different heights without using any equipment

nhảy cao

nhảy cao

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[Danh từ]
long jump

an athletic event in which competitors run down a track and jump as far as possible from a takeoff board, aiming to land in a pit filled with sand

nhảy xa

nhảy xa

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[Danh từ]

a running race of 26 miles or 42 kilometers

cuộc chạy đua đường trường

cuộc chạy đua đường trường

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[Danh từ]
pole vault

a track and field event in which an athlete uses a long, flexible pole to jump over a bar

sự nhảy bằng sào

sự nhảy bằng sào

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[Danh từ]

an athletic race in track and field where teams of runners compete by sequentially passing a baton from one teammate to the next over a set distance

sự chuyển vận

sự chuyển vận

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[Danh từ]
shot put

an athletic field event where competitors throw a heavy metal ball as far as possible within a marked circle

sự nạp đạn

sự nạp đạn

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cross-country running

a type of race that takes place on natural outdoor surfaces such as fields, hills, and woods

chạy xuyên quốc gia

chạy xuyên quốc gia

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[Danh từ]

the sport or competition in which a discus is thrown as far as possible



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[Danh từ]
to hammer

to strike repeatedly and forcefully with a blunt object or tool such as a hammer

chỉ trích

chỉ trích

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[Động từ]

a type of footrace where runners must jump over a series of barriers that are placed in their path along the track

hàng rào

hàng rào

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[Danh từ]

a sport or competition in which a light spear is thrown as far as possible

cái lao

cái lao

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[Danh từ]
triple jump

an athletic event in which competitors take three consecutive jumps, consisting of a hop, step, and jump, in order to achieve the greatest distance possible

nhảy ba lần

nhảy ba lần

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[Danh từ]
to go

to travel or move from one location to another

đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác

đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác

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[Động từ]

a small restaurant that sells drinks and meals

cà phê

cà phê

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[Danh từ]

a building where films are shown

ci nê

ci nê

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[Danh từ]

the sport or activity of riding a skateboard

trượt ván

trượt ván

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[Danh từ]

the act of buying goods from stores

sự đi mua hàng

sự đi mua hàng

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[Danh từ]

the act of moving our bodies through water with the use of our arms and legs, particularly as a sport

[Danh từ]
to listen

to give our attention to the sound a person or thing is making

lắng nghe ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó

lắng nghe ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó

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[Động từ]

a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to

âm nhạc

âm nhạc

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[Danh từ]
to play

to take part in a game or activity for fun



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[Động từ]

a sport played with a round ball between two teams of eleven players each, aiming to score goals by kicking the ball into the opponent's goalpost

bóng đá

bóng đá

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[Danh từ]
to watch

to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

đang quan sát ai đó hoặc cái gì đó

đang quan sát ai đó hoặc cái gì đó

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[Động từ]
video game

a digital game that we play on a computer, game console, or mobile device

trò chơi điện tử

trò chơi điện tử

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an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs



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