
Sách Solutions - Trung cấp tiền - Đơn vị 9 - 9G

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 9 - 9G trong giáo trình Solutions Pre-Intermediate, chẳng hạn như "console", "satnav", "power lead", v.v.


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Solutions - Pre-Intermediate

a mechanical tool or an electronic device that is useful for doing something

thiết bị hoặc công cụ điện tử

thiết bị hoặc công cụ điện tử

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digital camera

a camera that captures an image as digital data that can be kept and viewed on a computer

máy ảnh kỹ thuật số

máy ảnh kỹ thuật số

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(of signals or data) representing and processing data as series of the digits 0 and 1 in electronic signals

điện tử

điện tử

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a device that is used for listening to programs that are broadcast



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DVD player

a device that plays content such as movies or shows from flat discs called DVDs on your TV or other display

máy chơi DVD

máy chơi DVD

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a book that is published or converted to a digital format

sách điện tử

sách điện tử

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a person who finds pleasure in reading and often does so as a hobby

giảng sư

giảng sư

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a playful activity in which we use our imagination, play with toys, etc.

cuộc cạnh kỷ

cuộc cạnh kỷ

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a piece of furniture designed to hold electronic instruments like radios or televisions

bàn có chân cong chụm lại

bàn có chân cong chụm lại

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a device that has two pieces that cover the ears and is used to listen to music or sounds without others hearing

ống nghe của vô tuyến điện

ống nghe của vô tuyến điện

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mobile phone

a cellular phone or cell phone; ‌a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

điện thoại di động

điện thoại di động

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MP3 player

a small device used for listening to audio and MP3 files

Máy nghe nhạc mp3

Máy nghe nhạc mp3

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a portable device that combines the functions of a cell phone and a computer, such as browsing the internet, using apps, making calls, etc.

điện thoại thông minh

điện thoại thông minh

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a flat, small, portable computer that one controls and uses by touching its screen

bảng kỷ niệm

bảng kỷ niệm

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a type of blue disk on which large data such as high-definition videos can be stored



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a playback device that reproduces recorded sound or video

người chơi đùa

người chơi đùa

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a portable device used to take pictures and videos

máy quay phim

máy quay phim

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one of a series of photographs forming a movie or video

khung hình (phim)

khung hình (phim)

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a small computer that you can take with you wherever you go, and it sits on your lap or a table so you can use it

máy tính xách tay

máy tính xách tay

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satellite navigation

a device that uses GPS technology and satellite signals to help drivers navigate to their destination by providing them with real-time information about their location and route

định vị vệ tinh

định vị vệ tinh

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solar power

energy that is generated from the sun's radiation using solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity

năng lượng mặt trời

năng lượng mặt trời

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battery charger

a device that provides electrical energy to charge a rechargeable battery

Sạc pin

Sạc pin

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able to operate without wires

không dây

không dây

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equipment that transforms electrical signals into sound, loud enough for public announcements, playing music, etc.

loa âm thanh

loa âm thanh

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any of the pieces making a whole, when combined

bộ phận

bộ phận

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an object that turns chemical energy to electricity to give power to a device or machine

ắc quy

ắc quy

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a container that holds the major internal components of a computer, such as the motherboard, power supply, and storage devices



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a device that can refill a battery with electrical energy

sạc điện

sạc điện

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currently powered or activated



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used to describe the state of something such as an electrical device, machine, etc., when it is not being used or powered



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a small area or part of a machine or electronic device, which when pressed starts working

nút bấm

nút bấm

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power lead

a cable used to connect an electrical device to a power source

dây dẫn điện

dây dẫn điện

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remote control

a small device that lets you control electrical or electronic devices like TVs from a distance

điều khiển từ xa

điều khiển từ xa

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the flat panel on a television, computer, etc. on which images and information are displayed



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the technology or system for connecting other devices to a computer



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the amount of loudness produced by a TV, radio, etc.

âm lượng

âm lượng

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the power to manage or direct someone or something

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a special kind of picture that is made using a camera in order to make memories, create art, etc.

hình ảnh

hình ảnh

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hard disk drive

a disk on which data is stored, either inside or outside a computer

ổ đĩa cứng

ổ đĩa cứng

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a socket on a computer or other electronic device used to connect external devices such as a mouse, keyboard, etc.

bến tàu

bến tàu

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an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs



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