
书籍 English Result - 初中级 - 第 3 单元 - 3D

在这里您可以找到《英语成绩预中级》教材中第 3 单元 - 3D 的词汇,例如“thriller”、“novel”、“epic”等。









English Result - Pre-intermediate

a description of events and people either real or imaginary

a description of events and people either real or imaginary

a description of events and people either real or imaginary

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a type of entertainment that aims to make people laugh by using humor, jokes, and funny situations

a type of entertainment that aims to make people laugh by using humor, jokes, and funny situations

a type of entertainment that aims to make people laugh by using humor, jokes, and funny situations

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a movie, novel, etc. with an exciting plot that deals with crime

a movie, novel, etc. with an exciting plot that deals with crime

a movie, novel, etc. with an exciting plot that deals with crime

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horror story

a story that is supposed to scare people which is about unsettling and frightening events or things

a story that is supposed to scare people which is about unsettling and frightening events or things

a story that is supposed to scare people which is about unsettling and frightening events or things

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action film

a film genre that has a lot of exciting events, and usually contains violence


a long written story that usually involves imaginary characters and places

a long written story that usually involves imaginary characters and places

a long written story that usually involves imaginary characters and places

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a long poem in narrative form giving an account of the extraordinary deeds and adventures of a nation's heroes or legends

a long poem in narrative form giving an account of the extraordinary deeds and adventures of a nation's heroes or legends

a long poem in narrative form giving an account of the extraordinary deeds and adventures of a nation's heroes or legends

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a written story that is meant to be performed on a stage, radio, or television

a written story that is meant to be performed on a stage, radio, or television

a written story that is meant to be performed on a stage, radio, or television

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a novel or movie about love

science fiction

books, movies, etc. about imaginary things based on science

books, movies, etc. about imaginary things based on science

books, movies, etc. about imaginary things based on science

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