在这里您可以找到 Face2Face 中高级教材第 12 - 12B 单元的词汇,例如“大致”、“广泛”、“多数”等。
a unit for measuring weight that is used in the US and is equal to 907.19 kg
吨, 吨
without being exact
大约, 粗略地
something heavy that is carried or transported
负载, 装载物
considered unusual, particularly in a way that makes one confused
奇怪的, 异常的
extremely great in extent, size, or area
广阔的, 浩瀚的
the larger part or number of a given set or group
used to say that the amount mentioned might be a little more or less than the exact amount
used to refer to an estimated or approximate amount, quantity, or range of something
to a large extent
very large in size
巨大的, 庞大的
used before a price, time, etc. to give an idea close to the exact number
大约, 左右