able to exist, happen, or be done
可能的, 可行的
seeming believable or reasonable enough to be considered true
似是而非的, 可信的
having a possibility of happening or being the case
可能的, 有可能的
having a high possibility of happening or being true based on available evidence or circumstances
可能的, 或许的
having the potential of being done successfully
可行的, 可实施的
capable of being successfully accomplished
可行的, 能够完成的
able to be carried out or obtained without much difficulty or expense
可实现的, 可达成的
likely to become a reality in the future
预期的, 潜在的
based on the likelihood of an event or outcome occurring
概率的, 与概率有关的
capable of being reasonably assumed based on available information or evidence
可推测的, 可假设的
eliminating the possibility of failure or error
万无一失的, 确保不出错的
having the ability to become something in the future
occurring unexpectedly or without prior planning
意外的, 偶然的
not able to occur, exist, or be done
having a low chance of happening or being true
不太可能, 不大可能
having a low chance of occurring
不大可能, 低可能性
not seeming believable or reasonable enough to be considered true
不可信, 不太可能
having the ability to be executed or done successfully