在这里,您将学习一些与Decrease in Amount相关的英语单词,这些单词是一般培训类雅思考试所必需的。
very small in amount or degree, often the smallest possible
最小的, 微小的
decreased to the smallest amount or quantity possible
最小化的, 减少的
to become less in amount, size, or degree
减少, 降低
to reduce in amount, size, intensity, etc.
减少, 下降
to make something smaller in amount, degree, price, etc.
减少, 缩小
to lessen the amount, number, degree, or intensity of something
降低, 减少
to decrease in degree, amount, quality, or strength
to become less desirable, easy, or tolerable
恶化, 变得更糟
(of clothes or fabric) to become smaller when washed with hot water
缩水, 缩小
to reduce the amount of something
减少, 修剪
to decrease the length of something
缩短, 减少
a decline in amount, degree, etc. of a particular thing
减少, 缩减
reduced or decreased in extent or scope
收缩的, 减少的
a reduction in size, amount, number, etc.
下降, 减少