在这里,您将学习一些与Decrease in Amount相关的英语单词,这些单词是一般培训类雅思考试所必需的。
not enough in degree or amount
不足的, 不够的
small in amount or number while also unevenly and thinly scattered
稀疏的, 稀少的
barely or not satisfactory in amount
少量的, 不足的
not enough to reach a certain goal
very little in quantity or amount
existing in smaller amounts than what is needed
稀少, 缺乏
lacking in terms of quantity or quality
不足的, 缺乏的
lower than usual or expected in amount or quantity
减少的, 降低的
the act of reducing the amount of something
削减, 减少
the act or process of making something smaller, less significant, or reducing its extent, impact, or importance
减少, 削减
the act of reducing something to the smallest amount or degree possible
最小化, 减少
the act of making something smaller or reducing its size or quantity
减少, 缩减
the act of causing or having a decrease in value, quality, strength, quantity, intensity, etc.
降低, 减少
the act of reducing or shrinking something
收缩, 缩小
the act of making something smaller or reducing its amount or degree
减少, 缩小
the process of something getting smaller or decrease in size
to decrease in quality, amount, degree, etc.
下降, 减少
to decrease in degree, size, etc.
减少, 降低
to reduce the value or amount of something
贬值, 减少