كتاب Insight - ابتدائي - الوحدة 4 - 4 ب
ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 4 - 4ب في كتاب Insight Elementary الدراسي، مثل "قطة"، و"حيوان أليف"، و"أرنب"، وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a small, colorful Australian parrot species that is popular as a pet bird

ببغاء صغير, ببغاء ملون

a small animal that has soft fur, a tail, and four legs and we often keep it as a pet

قطة, قط

an animal with a tail and four legs that we keep as a pet and is famous for its sense of loyalty

كلب, حيوان أليف

a small furry animal with rounded ears, short legs and no tail, which is often kept as a pet or for research

خنزير غينيا, خنزير هندي

a small animal of the rodent family, similar to a mouse, with a short tail and large cheeks for storing food

هامستر, هامستر قزم

a group of animals with a long body and tail, a rough skin and two pairs of short legs


a small animal that lives in fields or houses, and often has fur, a long furless thin tail, and a pointed nose


a tropical bird with bright colors and a curved beak that can be trained to mimic human speech


an animal that is small, eats plants, has a short tail, long ears, and soft fur

أرنب, يَرب