الجسم - الفم والأسنان
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالفم والأسنان، مثل "palate" و"crown" و"gum".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
(anatomy) the inside upper side of the mouth that separates it from the nasal cavity

حَلق, سقف الفم

a flexible muscular structure located at the back of the roof of the mouth

الحنك الرخو, ستارة الحنك

(anatomy) the soft fleshy part at the back of the soft palate that hangs just above the pharynx

لهاة, زائدة اللهاة

the bony structure in the roof of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities

الحنك الصلب

any of the temporary teeth in young children that falls out and is later replaced with a permanent one

سن لبني, سن مؤقت

the visible part of the tooth above the gumline, used for biting and chewing

التاج, جزء مرئي من السن

(anatomy) any of the eight narrow-edged teeth at the front of the mouth that are used for biting


a temporary tooth in young children that drops out and is later replaced with a permanent one

سن لبني, سن مؤقت

one of the large flat teeth at the back of the mouth used for grinding and crushing food

طاحونة, سن الطاحونة

a rounded ridge or prominence found on the lingual surface of anterior teeth near the cervical third


one of the things in our mouth that are hard and white and we use to chew and bite food with

سن, ضرس

the soft, connective tissue found in the center of a tooth, containing blood vessels, nerves, and cells


a dental procedure to remove infected or damaged pulp from a tooth's root canal system

علاج جذور الأسنان, القناة الجذرية

the third and final set of molars that typically emerge in the back of the mouth during early adulthood

سن الحكمة, الضرس الثالث

(anatomy) any of the four pointed teeth that are between the incisors and premolars, used for tearing food

الأنياب, سن الكلاب