শিক্ষানবিস ১ - ফল ও সবজি
এখানে আপনি ফল এবং সবজির জন্য কিছু ইংরেজি শব্দ শিখবেন, যেমন "আপেল", "পীচ", এবং "গাজর", যা স্টার্টার স্তরের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছে।
a plant or a part of it that we can eat either raw or cooked
শাকসবজি, গাছের অংশ
a soft fruit that is long and curved and has hard yellow skin
কলা, কলাগাছ
a soft and juicy fruit that has a pit in the middle and its skin has extremely little hairs on it
আড়়, পিচ
a purple or green fruit that is round, small, and grows in bunches on a vine
a large, round, and juicy fruit that is red on the inside and has green stripes on its hard and thick skin
তরমুজ, জলমেলন
a soft and round fruit that is red and is used a lot in salads and many other foods
a long fruit that has thin green skin and is used a lot in salads
a round vegetable that grows beneath the ground, has light brown skin, and is used cooked or fried
আলু, আলুর
a round vegetable with many layers and a strong smell and taste
পেঁয়াজ, বাল্ব
a long orange vegetable that grows beneath the ground and is eaten cooked or raw