a specially designed, high-performance vehicle used in competitive racing events

রেস কার, দৌড়ের গাড়ি

a type of racing vehicle with its wheels located outside the main body, typically seen in Formula 1 and IndyCar racing

খোলা চাকা গাড়ি, রেসিং গাড়ি

a specially modified vehicle designed for competitive racing over varied terrain, typically used in rally racing

র্যালি গাড়ি, র্যালি প্রতিযোগিতা গাড়ি

a specially modified vehicle used in motorsports, primarily drifting competitions

ড্রিফট কার, ড্রিফট গাড়ি

a type of racing car designed for drag racing, characterized by its long and slender frame and powerful engine

ড্র্যাগস্টার, ড্র্যাগ রেসিং গাড়ি

a high-performance race car built specifically for endurance racing

ক্রীড়া প্রোটোটাইপ, রেস প্রোটোটাইপ

a lightweight bicycle designed for speed and efficiency on paved roads, commonly used in sports like cycling and triathlons

রোড বাইক, সড়ক বাইক

a specialized bicycle designed for maximum speed in time trial events in cycling

টাইম ট্রায়াল সাইকেল, গতি পরীক্ষার বাইক

a special kind of bike made for riding on rough roads or unpaved trails, with thick tires and a strong body

মাউন্টেন বাইক, পাহাড়ের বাইক

a type of bicycle designed for the sport of cyclocross, which involves racing on mixed terrain including pavement, trails, grass, and mud

সাইক্লো ক্রস বাইক, সাইক্লো ক্রসের জন্য সাইকেল

a type of bike designed for riding on gravel roads and mixed terrains, often used in cycling sports like gravel racing

গ্রাভেল বাইসাইকেল, দূষিত রাস্তায় বাইসাইকেল

a bicycle built for two or more riders, sitting one behind the other, with both riders able to pedal together to propel the bike


a small, sturdy bicycle designed for off-road racing and stunt riding in sports like BMX racing

BMX বাইক, বাইসাইকেল BMX

a small motorized vehicle designed to transport golfers and their equipment around a golf course

গল্ফ কার্ট, গল্ফ গাড়ি

a long flat seat with a curved front that people can sit on and slide down snowy hills

টোবোগান, স্লেজ

a racing sled on which competitors lie face-up and feet-first, sliding feet-forward down an icy track


a narrow boat that is light and has pointed ends, which can be moved using paddles

ক্যানো, কায়াক

a type of multihull boat characterized by having three hulls or floats, used in sailing and racing for its stability and speed


a type of boat that is light and has an opening in the top in which the paddler sits

কায়াক, ক্যানো

a machine at ski resorts that carries skiers and snowboarders uphill using chairs hanging from cables or hooks attached to a moving cable

স্কি লিফট, টেক্সি লিফট

a boat propelled primarily by sails, which capture the wind's power to move across the water

যাত্রী নৌকা, পарусে চালিত নৌকা

a ski lift that pulls skiers and snowboarders uphill while they stand on the snow, usually involves a rope or cable that skiers hold onto as it moves up the slope

স্কি টেনিশ, স্কি লিফট