Kniha Four Corners 1 - Jednotka 2 Lekce A
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 2 lekce A v učebnici Four Corners 1, jako je „místo“, „národnost“, „město“ atd.
the part of space where someone or something is or they should be

místo, prostor

a person from the United States of America, or a native of the country

Američan, Američanka

someone who is from Brazil or their family came from Brazil

Brazilec, Brazilečka

relating to the country, people, culture, or language of Turkey

turecký, turecká

a person from Thailand, or a member of the ethnic group native to Thailand

Thajec, Thajka

a person from Colombia, or a member of the ethnic group native to Colombia

Kolumbijec, Kolumbijka

someone who is living next to us or somewhere very close to us

soused, sousedka

someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession

hudebník, hudebnice