Das Buch Four Corners 1 - Einheit 2, Lektion A
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Einheit 2, Lektion A im Four Corners 1-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „Ort“, „Nationalität“, „Stadt“ usw.
the part of space where someone or something is or they should be
Ort, Platz
someone who is from Spain or their family came from Spain
Spanier, Spanierin
a native or inhabitant of a North American or Central American or South American country
Amerikaner, Amerikanerin
a native or inhabitant of Communist China or of Nationalist China
Chinese, Chinesin
someone who is from Brazil or their family came from Brazil
Brasilianer, Brasilianerin
relating to the country, people, culture, or language of Turkey
someone who is from Japan or their family came from Japan
Japaner, Japanerin
someone who is living next to us or somewhere very close to us
someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession