Kniha Face2face - Středně pokročilý - Jednotka 2 - 2A
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 2 - 2A v učebnici Face2Face Intermediate, jako je „přesčas“, „workoholik“, „kondice“ atd.
something that we do regularly to earn money
práce, zaměstnání
to use money as a payment for services, goods, etc.
utrácet, vynakládat
a person who works compulsively and finds it hard to stop working to do other things
workaholik, závislý na práci
to complete a task or project before a specific time or date that has been agreed upon or set as a requirement
to not go to work or school for a certain period of time to take care of personal matters or recharge one's energy and focus
stressful or anxious due to having too many tasks or responsibilities to handle within a limited time
the state of something at a particular time
stav, podmínka