Kniha Total English - Začátečník - Lekce 9 – Lekce 3
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 9 – lekce 3 v učebnici Total English Starter, jako je „skóre“, „kóma“, „téměř“ atd.
a person who manages or is in charge of an activity, department, or organization
ředitel, ředitelka
a group of sports players, their manager, and staff such as a soccer or baseball club
klub, tým
someone whose job involves performing in movies, plays, or series
herec, herečka
a state of deep unconsciousness, typically of a long duration and caused by a serious injury or severe illness
komatu, stav kómatu
a woman who does business activities like running a company or participating in trade
podnikatelka, žena v byznysu
having control or responsibility for someone or something
zodpovědný za, v čele
to gain a point, goal, etc. in a game, competition, or sport
skórovat, získat
a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment and care
nemocnice, nemocnice (f)