Vzdělání - magisterské tituly
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s různými typy magisterských titulů, jako je „MPH“, „MTech“ a „MBA“.
a graduate degree typically awarded in the humanities or social sciences upon completion of advanced study

Magistr umění, Mistr umění

a postgraduate academic degree in Catholic theology, typically earned after completing a Bachelor of Sacred Theology

Licenciát v posvátné teologii, Diplom licentiáta v posvátné teologii

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced study of legal principles, theories, and policy analysis

Magister práv, Magister Juris

a second university degree in business management

Master of Business Administration, MBA (Mistr podnikatelského vedení)

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced study of counseling theory, techniques, and ethical practices

Magistr poradenství, Magistr v oblasti poradenství

a graduate degree in theology or religious studies preparing individuals for leadership in religious institutions or further academic study

Mistr teologie, Magisterium božství

a postgraduate degree focused on advanced studies in education and pedagogy

Magistr vzdělání, Magisterský titul v oblasti vzdělávání

a graduate degree that emphasizes advanced studies and practice in creative disciplines such as visual arts, creative writing, or performing arts

Magistr umění, Master of Fine Arts

a postgraduate degree that provides specialized legal education beyond the basic law degree

Magistr práv, Magisterský program v právu

a postgraduate degree that focuses on advanced studies in literature, language, or related disciplines

Magistr umění, Magisterský titul v oboru literatury

a postgraduate academic credential typically awarded in medical fields, indicating advanced training and specialization beyond the level of a medical degree

Magistr medicíny, Mistr medicíny

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced study in management principles, business strategy, and organizational leadership

Magistr řízení, Magisterské studium managementu

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced study in nursing theory, clinical practice, and healthcare leadership

Magistr věd v ošetřovatelství, Magisterský titul v ošetřovatelství

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced study in social work theory, practice, and policy, preparing individuals for careers as social workers

Magistr sociální práce, Magistrát v sociální práci

a postgraduate academic credential that involves advanced study and research in a specific field, often serving as a precursor to doctoral studies

Magistr filozofie, Magistr v oboru filozofie

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced study and practice in performing arts disciplines such as theater, dance, music, or film

Mistr v oboru performativních umění, Magistr performativních umění

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced study in public health principles, epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, and environmental health

Magistr veřejného zdravotnictví, Magisterský program ve veřejném zdraví

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced research training and preparation for doctoral studies or research-oriented careers

Master výzkumu, Magisterský titul v oblasti výzkumu

a graduate-level academic credential focused on advanced study in theology, religious studies, and spiritual formation

Magistr posvátné teologie, Mistr posvátné teologie

a postgraduate degree offered by the United Kingdom universities for advanced study in a specific academic field or interdisciplinary area

Magistr studia, Master of Studies

a postgraduate medical degree typically involving advanced training and specialization in surgical techniques and practices

Magistr chirurgického lékařství, Dodatečné školení v chirurgii

a graduate degree program that focuses on advanced studies in various engineering disciplines

Magistr věd v oboru inženýrství, Master of Science v inženýrství

a postgraduate academic degree typically involving advanced study and specialization in engineering disciplines

Magistr inženýrství, Magisterský titul v oboru inženýrství

a postgraduate academic degree focusing on advanced study and specialization in various engineering and technology fields

Magistr technologie, Mistr technologie

a specialized master's degree that combines advanced training in a specific field of science or mathematics with professional skills development

Profesní magisterský program v oblasti vědy, Magisterský program odborných věd