Das Buch English Result - Grundstufe - Einheit 8 - 8C
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Einheit 8 – 8C im English Result Elementary-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „Sailor“, „Talking“, „Wear“ usw.
the act of exchanging or expressing the information, feelings, or ideas that one has by speaking

Gespräch, Unterhaltung

showing happiness, friendliness, or amusement through an expression where the corners of the mouth turn upward

lächelnd, lacht

showing amusement or happiness through the act of laughter or its expression

lachend, fröhlich

a piece of clothing often with a brim that we wear on our heads, for warmth, as a fashion item or as part of a uniform

someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession

a musical instrument, usually with six strings, that we play by pulling the strings with our fingers or with a plectrum
