Das Buch Total English - Fortgeschritten - Einheit 3 – Wortschatz
Hier finden Sie die Wörter aus Einheit 3 – Wortschatz im Total English Advanced-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „dead end“, „frosty“, „struggle“ usw.
to struggle
to put a great deal of effort to overcome difficulties or achieve a goal

sich bemühen, kämpfen
to call the shots
to be in control of a particular situation and be the one who decides what needs to be done

das Sagen haben
firing line
the position of being directly involved in a challenging or risky situation

Schusslinie, Angriffszone

the way in which something is perceived or received by others, often referring to the response or reaction to an idea, message, or product

Empfang, Reaktion


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