Wesentlicher Wortschatz für die SAT-Prüfung - Schwierigkeit und Komplexität
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Schwierigkeit und Komplexität, wie „elusive“, „obstruct“, „nuance“ usw., die Sie benötigen, um Ihre SATs zu bestehen.
to make something unclear or difficult to understand
vernebeln, verwirren
to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress
beeinschränken, erschweren
to hold back or prevent something from being expressed, developed, or revealed
unterdrücken, verdrängen
to cause disorder or disturbance in something that was previously orderly or calm
stören, unterbrechen
to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
to disrupt the normal continuation or proper execution of a process or activity
stören, eingreifen
to intentionally damage or undermine something, often for personal gain or as an act of protest or revenge
sabotieren, Sabotage
to create obstacles or difficulties that prevent progress, movement, or success
behindern, erschweren
to create disturbances in electronic signals preventing them from being received
stören, blockieren
to deliberately create challenges or difficulties that slow down or prevent the smooth advancement or development of something
behindern, erschweren
the state of being unclear due to multiple possible meanings
Mehrdeutigkeit, Unklarheit
a very small and barely noticeable difference in tone, appearance, manner, meaning, etc.
Nuance, Nuanzierung
the intensity or degree of something challenging or impactful, such as pain, weather conditions, or any adverse circumstance
Schwere, Intensität
(of a task) needing great effort, skill, etc.
anspruchsvoll, fordernd
intimidating, challenging, or overwhelming in a way that creates a sense of fear or unease
abschreckend, herausfordernd
easy to comprehend or perform without any difficulties
einfach, verständlich
carefully developed or executed with great attention to detail
ausführlich, detailreich
(of information) clear and easy for the audience to understand
verständlich, verdaulich
impossible or hard to sense or understand
unmerklich, unauffällig
difficult or impossible to understand or interpret
unentschlüsselbar, unverständlich
unable to be read or understood because of poor handwriting or print quality
unleserlich, nicht lesbar
having many complex parts or details that make it difficult to understand or work with
intrikat, kompliziert
characterized by difficulty or challenges, often used to describe a situation or experience
schwierig, herausfordernd
with great effort, energy, or intensity
mit großem Aufwand, energisch