Βιβλίο Headway - Στοιχειώδης - Καθημερινά Αγγλικά (Ενότητα 8)
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από το Everyday English Unit 8 στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Headway Elementary, όπως "packet", "spend", "enough" κ.λπ.
a small bag typically made of paper, plastic, etc., that can contain various things, such as tea, sugar, or spices
an object that turns chemical energy to electricity to give power to a device or machine
a small bowl-shaped container, usually with a handle, that we use for drinking tea, coffee, etc.
a cold sauce made from tomatoes, which has a thick texture and is served with some food
a sweet, sticky, thick liquid produced by bees that is yellow or brown and we can eat as food
the physical extent of an object, usually described by its height, width, length, or depth
a public path for vehicles in a village, town, or city, usually with buildings, houses, etc. on its sides
a shop that sells newspapers, magazines, and other items related to reading materials, such as stationery, cards, and sometimes snacks