Βιβλίο Solutions - Στοιχειώδης - Μονάδα 3 - 3C
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 3 - 3Γ στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Solutions Elementary, όπως "μοτίβο", "μανίκι", "περιοδικό" κ.λπ.
(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height
(of an item of clothing) having sleeves that are long enough to reach one's wrist
(of clothing) comfortable and suitable for everyday use or informal events and occasions
a group of people who have gathered to watch and listen to a play, concert, etc.
a colorful thin book that has news, pictures, and stories about different things like fashion, sports, and animals, usually issued weekly or monthly
the time of day that is between twelve o'clock and the time that the sun starts to set
a runway or passage that models walk on in front of the audience during a fashion show
a person who gathers and reports news or does interviews for a newspaper, TV, radio station, etc.
a special kind of picture that is made using a camera in order to make memories, create art, etc.