Βιβλίο Insight - Άνω του μεσαίου - Λεξιλογική Ενόραση 9
Εδώ θα βρείτε τις λέξεις από το Vocabulary Insight 9 στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Insight Upper-Intermediate, όπως «ανήλικος», «ψιλά», «μουρμούρα» κ.λπ.
having a value or level greater than usual or expected, often in terms of numbers or measurements
a very small device that we put on the opening outside of our ear canals to listen to music or sounds without others listening
a person or group who is among the first to embrace and use a new product, technology, or innovation
a device worn on the head that combines a headphone and microphone for listening and speaking
a group of numbered buttons on a surface used for operating a TV, phone, computer, etc.
the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
a type of educational institution that provides training and education in practical skills and applied sciences
to speak in a low, soft voice, often in a way that is difficult to hear or understand
to give all or most of one's time, effort, or resources to a particular activity, cause, or person
a process or thing that absorbs or removes energy or a specific substance from a system
used for saying that someone has succeeded in, obtained, or experienced something
used to describe a situation in which someone or something is being managed or regulated in an effective and appropriate way
stressful or anxious due to having too many tasks or responsibilities to handle within a limited time
under careful and critical observation, often with a high level of attention to details
not old enough to legally engage in certain activities such as drinking or getting a driver's license