
Hogar y Jardín - Garden

Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con los jardines como "sprinkler", "gnome" y "birdhouse".




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Words Related to Home and Garden
bird table

a wooden platform that is located in a garden on which one can put food for birds

mesita de jardín para poner comida a los pájaros

mesita de jardín para poner comida a los pájaros


a long and narrow bed of soil on which flowers, bushes, etc. can be planted



compost pile

a place in a garden where leaves, plants, etc. are stored, so that they can be turned to compost after they decay

pila de compost

pila de compost


a container, made of plastic or clay, in which one can grow a wide variety of plants

maceta, tiesto

maceta, tiesto

flower bed

an area of ground planted with flowers or plants, often arranged in a decorative or artistic pattern

cantero, arriate

cantero, arriate


a small device with holes that is put on the end of a hose, used for watering soil or lawns; a piece of equipment that is utilized in case a building is on fire




a large woody plant with several main stems emerging from the ground



garden bed

a defined area of soil, typically raised and enclosed, that is used for planting and growing plants

cama de jardín, parterre

cama de jardín, parterre

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watering can

a portable vessel with a long tube and a handle, used for sprinkling water on plants




a structure, often placed in a pool or lake, that pumps a long, narrow stream of water up into the air for decorative purposes




a decorative stone or plastic figure of a dwarfish creature with a pointed hat

gnomo, duende

gnomo, duende

sprinkler system

an automated network of pipes and sprinkler heads used to water plants and vegetation in a designated area

sistema de riego, sistema de aspersores

sistema de riego, sistema de aspersores

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raised bed

a raised area in a garden surrounded by a wooden or stone frame, used for growing plants in

suelo elevado

suelo elevado

garden pest

any organism, such as insects, rodents, or other animals, that causes damage or harm to plants or crops in a garden or agricultural setting

plaga de jardín, pulgón del jardín

plaga de jardín, pulgón del jardín

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garden stake

a long, thin, pointed rod, usually made of wood or metal, that is used to support and train plants, such as tomato plants or climbing vines, to grow in a certain direction or stay upright

estaca de jardín, tutoro de jardín

estaca de jardín, tutoro de jardín

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a grass-covered area of ground

césped, pasto

césped, pasto


a mix of sand and small pebbles that cover the surface of some roads

grava, gravilla

grava, gravilla


a row of closely-planted bushes or small trees that form a boundary, particularly on the edge of a garden, road, or field

seto, seto vivo

seto, seto vivo


an area, often in a garden, where a large number of shrubs are thickly planted



water feature

an artificial pond or a fountain that is placed in some parks or gardens to provide decoration

fuente ornamental

fuente ornamental


a small, man-made structure designed to provide a nesting place for birds

caja para pájaros, casita para pájaros

caja para pájaros, casita para pájaros

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a lengthy, flexible tube, made of plastic or rubber, often used in firefighting and gardening, that can direct the flow of water to the direction it is pointed at

manguera, manga

manguera, manga


an area of grass, typically in a yard or garden, that is cut and maintained at a short length

césped, pasto

césped, pasto

bee house

a man-made structure that provides a safe habitat for solitary bee species to nest

casa de abejas, nido de abejas

casa de abejas, nido de abejas

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garden ornament

a decorative object or structure that is placed in a garden or outdoor area to enhance its aesthetic appeal

adorno de jardín, ornamento de jardín

adorno de jardín, ornamento de jardín

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rain barrel

a large outdoor container that can collect and store rainwater running off rooftops

tina para recoger el agua de la lluvia

tina para recoger el agua de la lluvia

compost bin

a container placed in an outdoor garden for storing organic waste so it can be turned to compost later



vegetable garden

an area of land where edible plants, such as vegetables and herbs, are grown for personal use or sale

huerto, jardín de verduras

huerto, jardín de verduras

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a slender, vertical wooden piece used as one of the upright components of a fence




a sturdy pole made of metal or timber that is dug into the ground to be used as a marker or support something




a framework made of metal or wood bars for supporting climbing plants or fruit trees

enrejado, espaldar

enrejado, espaldar

outdoor shower

a plumbing fixture designed for use outdoors, typically found in gardens, near pools, or in beach houses, that allows people to shower outside, often using natural light and air

ducha exterior, ducha al aire libre

ducha exterior, ducha al aire libre

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garden shed

a small structure typically located in a backyard or garden area, used for storing gardening tools, equipment, supplies, and other items related to gardening or outdoor activities

cobra de jardín, caseta de jardín

cobra de jardín, caseta de jardín

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a shelter in a park or garden, that is surrounded by plants, such as climbing shrubs or vines, that people can sit under and relax



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