El libro Solutions - Pre-intermedio - Unidad 5 - 5G
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de la Unidad 5 - 5G del libro de curso Soluciones Pre-Intermedio, como "entusiasta", "flexible", "puntual", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
to be able to share or exchange information or ideas with others

comunicar, intercambiar

an inherent characteristic that distinguishes the unique nature or features of something

calidad, característica

having or showing intense excitement, eagerness, or passion for something

capable of adjusting easily to different situations, circumstances, or needs

(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks

telling the truth and having no intention of cheating or stealing

sincero, honesto, franco
able to remain calm, especially in challenging or difficult situations, without becoming annoyed or anxious

healthy and strong, especially due to regular physical exercise or balanced diet

en forma