El libro Face2face - Elemental - Unidad 1 - 1C
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de la Unidad 1 - 1C del libro de texto de Face2Face Elementary, como "apellido", "veintiséis", "dirección", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
the number 34; the number of years in three decades plus four years

treinta y cuatro, 34

the number 47; the number of years in five decades minus three years

cuarenta y siete

the number 27; the number you get when you multiply three by three by three


the number 29; the number of days in February when the year has one extra day during a leap year


a specific series of digits used to call a particular telephone or contact a particular service

número, dígito

a cellular phone or cell phone; a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

teléfono móvil
the information that helps us find a place so we can go there or send a letter or package to that place

a system that is used to send and receive messages or documents via a network

correo electrónico
a special code made up of letters and numbers that helps the postman find exactly where a person lives so they can deliver the letters and packages to the right place

código postal, código de envío