Adjetivos de Atributos Humanos Abstractos - Adjetivos de estados mentales temporales neutrales
Estos adjetivos describen experiencias emocionales que no son abiertamente positivas ni negativas y que abarcan sentimientos de neutralidad o indiferencia.
Tarjetas de memoria
having an understanding or perception of something, often through careful thought or sensitivity

not welcoming or willing to do something because it is undesirable

renuente, reacio
uncertain or reluctant to act or speak, often due to doubt or indecision

hesitante, indeciso

feeling or showing caution and attentiveness regarding possible dangers or problems

cauteloso, precavido
not showing any concern in one's attitude or actions toward a particular person, situation, or outcome

having a strong resolve or determination to achieve a particular goal or outcome

decidido, resuelto