Verbos para Evocar Emociones - Verbos para provocar confusión
Aquí aprenderá algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a evocar confusión, como "baffle", "puzzle" y "stump".
Tarjetas de memoria
to make someone uncertain or unclear about something, causing them unable to understand it

confundir, desconcertar

to confuse someone, often by presenting something mysterious or difficult to understand

confundir, desconcertar

to confuse someone by making something difficult to understand or explain

confundir, desconcertar

to puzzle or challenge someone, typically by presenting a question or problem that is difficult to answer or solve

dejar perplejo, confundir

to confuse someone, making it difficult for them to understand or think clearly

to puzzle someone by being mysterious or difficult to understand

misteriar, misteriar

to confuse someone to the point of being unable to proceed or respond

dejar perplejo, desconcertar
to confuse someone, causing them to feel disoriented or unable to think clearly
