a prideful and unfriendly manner of behaving that showcases one's belief of being better than others

نخوت, تکبر
a period of time when one is free from duties and can do fun activities or relax

اوقات فراغت, وقت آزاد
a system of signaling using flags or other devices to communicate messages over a long distance

نشانبر, سمافور
the traditional beliefs, customs, stories, and legends of a particular community, usually passed down through generations by word of mouth

فرهنگ عامه, فولکلور
the state of shock and suspended sensibility after something horrible happens

بهت, گیجی، بیحسی
a person who works in port and is responsible for loading or unloading ships

کارگر بارانداز
a position that is not demanding or difficult but pays well

شغل تشریفاتی, پشت میزنشینی، شغل پردرآمد و بیدردسر
a person or company that provides the need for goods, services, or information

the quality of a sound that is distinct from pitch, intensity and loudness

رنگ (صدا), طنین
a naval rank belonging to someone in command and entitled to mark their position with a flag

دریاسالار, افسر دریایی، دریابان، دریادار
loud noise of constant shouting, often made by a large group of people or animals

خروش, فریاد
a person or business that delivers commodities to the buyer whether by land, sea, or air

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