
آموزش عمومی آیلتس (باند 5 و پایین‌تر) - ایجاد و تولید

در اینجا با چند لغت انگلیسی مرتبط با Creating and Producing که برای آزمون General Training آیلتس ضروری است آشنا خواهید شد.






املای کلمه



شروع یادگیری
Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (5)
to build

to put together different materials such as brick to make a building, etc.



to create

to bring something into existence or make something happen

به وجود آوردن

به وجود آوردن

to construct

to build a house, bridge, machine, etc.



to form

to combine parts or bring them together to create something

شکل دادن

شکل دادن

to design

to make drawings according to which something will be constructed or produced

طراحی کردن

طراحی کردن

to write

to make letters, words, or numbers on a surface, usually on a piece of paper, with a pen or pencil



to produce

to make something using raw materials or different components

تولید کردن

تولید کردن

to invent

to make or design something that did not exist before

اختراع کردن

اختراع کردن

to paint

to produce a picture or design with paint

نقاشی کردن

نقاشی کردن

to draw

to make a picture of something using a pencil, pen, etc. without coloring it

نقاشی کشیدن

نقاشی کشیدن

to print

to create a number of copies of a newspaper, magazine, book, etc.

چاپ کردن

چاپ کردن

to craft

to skillfully make something, particularly with the hands



to sew

to create clothing by joining pieces of fabric together using a needle and thread

خیاطی کردن

خیاطی کردن

to knit

to create clothing, fabric, etc., typically from wool or thread, using a machine or a pair of long and thin needles

بافندگی کردن

بافندگی کردن

to sculpt

to form figures and objects by cutting and carving hard materials such as wood, stone, metal, etc.

پیکرتراشی کردن

پیکرتراشی کردن

to cook

to make food with heat

غذا پختن

غذا پختن

to prepare

to make a person or thing ready for doing something

آماده‌سازی کردن

آماده‌سازی کردن

to decorate

to add beautiful things to something in order to make it look more attractive

تزئین کردن

تزئین کردن

to model

to create a smaller representation of something using wood, etc.

مدل چیزی را ساختن

مدل چیزی را ساختن

to sing

to use our voice in order to produce musical sounds in the form of a tune or song

آواز خواندن

آواز خواندن

دانلود اپلیکشن LanGeek