Aklat Top Notch 1A - Yunit 4 - Aralin 3
Dito makikita ang bokabularyo mula sa Yunit 4 - Aralin 3 sa Top Notch 1A coursebook, tulad ng "waiter", "excuse me", "order", atbp.
the process or activity of exchanging information or expressing feelings, thoughts, or ideas by speaking, writing, etc.

komunikasyon, pag-uusap

a man who brings people food and drinks in restaurants, cafes, etc.

waiter, tagapagluto

said before asking someone a question, as a way of politely getting their attention

Patawad, Excuse me

to ask for something, especially food, drinks, services, etc. in a restaurant, bar, or shop

umorder, humiling

a small piece of paper showing the foods and drinks that we have ordered in a restaurant, cafe, etc. and the amount that we have to pay

ang bayanan, ang resibo

the additional money we give someone such as a waiter, driver, etc. to thank them for the services they have given us

tip, gantimpala