500 Adverbes Anglais Les Plus Courants - Top 426 - 450 Adverbes
Ici, vous disposez de la partie 18 de la liste des adverbes les plus courants en anglais tels que « bizarrement », « doucement » et « gentiment ».
in a way that is related to the cultural ideas and behavior of a particular group or society

in an unusual or strange manner that is different from what is expected

bizarrement, curieusement
in a manner that is connected with a career or profession

professionnellement, de façon professionnelle, de manière professionnelle
in a manner that consists mostly of a specific kind, quality, etc.

majoritairement, principalement
in a secret way involving only a particular person or group and no others

en privé, secrètement
used to say that there is no doubt something is true or is the case

indubitablement, sans aucun doute