500 Kata Keterangan Bahasa Inggris yang Paling Umum - 426 - 450 Kata Keterangan Teratas
Di sini Anda diberikan bagian 18 dari daftar kata keterangan paling umum dalam bahasa Inggris seperti "oddly", "softly", dan "kindly".
Kartu flash
in a way that is related to the cultural ideas and behavior of a particular group or society

secara budaya, dari sudut pandang budaya

in an unusual or strange manner that is different from what is expected

secara aneh, dengan tidak biasa

in a manner that is connected with a career or profession

secara profesional, dengan cara profesional

in a way that appears to involve magic or supernatural forces

secara ajaib, dengan cara magis

in a manner that consists mostly of a specific kind, quality, etc.

terutama, sebagian besar

in a secret way involving only a particular person or group and no others

secara pribadi, dalam diam

by a significant amount or to a significant extent

secara signifikan, cukup banyak

used to say that there is no doubt something is true or is the case

tanpa diragukan, pasti

used to say what is possible in a particular situation

secara realistis, dari sudut pandang realistis

in a straight way that is parallel to the ground

secara horizontal, dalam posisi horizontal