Le livre Insight - Intermédiaire - Unité 10 - 10D
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 10 à 10D du manuel de cours Insight Intermediate, tel que « recruter », « axé sur la famille », « lieu », etc.
used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, when you are thinking about them separately

chaque, chacun

used to express an unspecified amount or number of something

quelques, des, certains, un peu de
widely known and recognized around the world

célèbre dans le monde entier, de renommée mondiale

(of a movie) of standard duration as a typical movie, mostly between 75 and 210 minutes long

long métrage
focused on family values, activities, or relationships

axé sur la famille, orienté sur la famille

(of an area or space) situated outside and is not covered or enclosed in any way

extérieur, en plein air

having the latest and most advanced features or design

de pointe, à la pointe de la technologie

causing one to seriously think about a certain subject or to consider it

provocateur de réflexion, qui pousse à la réflexion

to search and discover something or someone that we have lost or do not know the location of

to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time

a location where an event or action takes place, such as a meeting or performance

lieu, adresse

the act of presenting something such as a play, piece of music, etc. for entertainment

représentation, interprétation
the business of providing food, beverages, and other related services for events or occasions

restauration, service traiteur

to be the star performer in a concert or performance

être la tête d'affiche de, être la vedette de, tenir le rôle principal de
to do something successfully, particularly something difficult

gérer, arriver à faire

a position or location that offers a good view of something

point de vue, emplacement avantageux