本 Insight - 中級 - ユニット10 - 10D
ここでは、「新兵」、「家族向け」、「会場」など、Insight 中級コースブックのユニット 10 ~ 10D の語彙を見つけることができます。
used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, when you are thinking about them separately

それぞれの, 各々の

(of a movie) of standard duration as a typical movie, mostly between 75 and 210 minutes long

フィーチャー長, 通常の長さの映画

(of an area or space) situated outside and is not covered or enclosed in any way

屋外の, オープンエアの

causing one to seriously think about a certain subject or to consider it

思考を促す, 考えさせる

to search and discover something or someone that we have lost or do not know the location of

見つける, 発見する

to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time

走る, 急ぐ

the act of presenting something such as a play, piece of music, etc. for entertainment

パフォーマンス, 演技

the business of providing food, beverages, and other related services for events or occasions

ケータリング, 食事提供