Książka Insight - Średnio zaawansowany - Jednostka 10 - 10D
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 10–10D z podręcznika Insight Intermediate, takie jak „rekrut”, „zorientowany na rodzinę”, „miejsce” itp.
used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, when you are thinking about them separately
każdy, każda
used to express an unspecified amount or number of something
kilka, niektóre
widely known and recognized around the world
światowej sławy, znany na całym świecie
(of a movie) of standard duration as a typical movie, mostly between 75 and 210 minutes long
fabularyzowana długość, długość filmu
(of a person) valuing the importance of family relationships and prioritizing family members
zorientowany na rodzinę, familijny
(of an area or space) situated outside and is not covered or enclosed in any way
na świeżym powietrzu, otwarty
having the latest and most advanced features or design
nowoczesny, czołowy
causing one to seriously think about a certain subject or to consider it
pobudzający do myślenia, skłaniający do refleksji
to be present at a meeting, event, conference, etc.
uczestniczyć w, być obecnym na
to search and discover something or someone that we have lost or do not know the location of
znaleźć, odkryć
to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time
biegać, śpieszyć się
a location where an event or action takes place, such as a meeting or performance
miejsce, lokalizacja
the act of presenting something such as a play, piece of music, etc. for entertainment
występ, przedstawienie
the seats that are located near the stage in a theater
parter, balkon
a request for people to do something or act in a particular way
apel, wniosek
to organize a specific event, such as a meeting, party, election, etc.
organizować, trzymać
to give someone what is needed or necessary
zapewniać, dostarczać
the business of providing food, beverages, and other related services for events or occasions
catering, usługi cateringowe
to state or suggest something without being asked or told
proponować, sugerować
a group of people who have gathered to watch and listen to a play, concert, etc.
publiczność, widownia
to be the star performer in a concert or performance
być gwiazdą, prowadzić koncert
to do something successfully, particularly something difficult
zarządzać, udać się
the state of being protected or having protection against any types of danger
a position or location that offers a good view of something
punkt widokowy, dogodne miejsce
a period of time that is celebrated due to cultural or religious reasons
festyn, święto
to organize items in a specific order to make them more convenient, accessible, or understandable
ustawić, organizować
the time at which a particular event happens
okazja, wydarzenie
to complete or conduct a task, job, etc.
przeprowadzić, wykonać
a particular set of actions conducted in a certain way
procedura, metoda