the process or act of making a person or thing ready for use, an event, act, situation, etc.

a follower or student who adheres to the teachings and practices of a particular leader, teacher, or philosophy

to train a person or animal by instruction and exercise, usually with the aim of improving or correcting behavior

to formally request someone’s presence in court to answer for a serious crime

traduire en justice, assigner à comparaître
complete and utter, typically used to describe something negative or undesirable

total, fini
a usually dry watercourse that after a heavy rain temporarily fills and flows with water

to noisily argue over an unimportant matter

se chamailler avec, se quereller avec, se disputer avec
to come into sudden and forceful contact with another object or person

entrer en collision avec
to waste or misuse something valuable, such as money, time, or opportunities
