Adjectifs des Attributs des Choses - Adjectifs de formes
Les adjectifs de forme fournissent des informations sur l'apparence externe ou la structure de quelque chose, transmettant sa forme, sa silhouette ou sa configuration globale.
(of clothes) not tight or fitting closely, often allowing freedom of movement

desserré, lâche
(of clothes or shoes) fitting closely or firmly, especially in an uncomfortable way

serré, serrée
(of a surface) having a sharp slope or angle, making it difficult to climb or walk up

escarpé, raide, pente
having hard, pointed, and often curved protrusions, like horns or antlers

cornu, éperonné

having a shape characterized by straight lines and sharp corners, resembling a box

carré, rectangulaire

(of hair) cut in different lengths to create volume and movement

en couches, dégradé

having a point or edge that can pierce or cut something

tranchant, coupant, aiguisé, pointu
(of a fabric or garment) folded or gathered in a series of small, parallel folds

plissé, froncé