Adjektive für Eigenschaften von Dingen - Adjektive von Formen
Formadjektive geben Auskunft über das äußere Erscheinungsbild oder die Struktur von etwas und vermitteln dessen Gesamtform, Silhouette oder Konfiguration.
(of clothes) not tight or fitting closely, often allowing freedom of movement

locker, lose
(of clothes or shoes) fitting closely or firmly, especially in an uncomfortable way

(of a surface) having a sharp slope or angle, making it difficult to climb or walk up

steil, steil abfallend

having hard, pointed, and often curved protrusions, like horns or antlers

hörnig, geweihig

having a shape characterized by straight lines and sharp corners, resembling a box

kastenförmig, quadratisch

(of hair) having a lot of small tight curls that are neither smooth nor shiny

kraus, lockig

(of hair) cut in different lengths to create volume and movement

stufig, stufig geschnitten