
Entraînement Général IELTS (Band 8 et Plus) - Relations amoureuses

Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés aux relations amoureuses qui sont nécessaires à l'examen IELTS de formation générale.









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Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (8)

the act of running away with one's lover to get married without the consent of parents

fuite amoureuse, élopement

fuite amoureuse, élopement

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the period of time when two people are getting to know each other romantically with the intention of getting married

courtoisie, cour

courtoisie, cour

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sexual intercourse involving a married person and someone other than their spouse




a temporary and intense feeling of romantic or idealized attraction toward someone, often based on superficial qualities and lacking a deep emotional connection

engouement, passion éphémère

engouement, passion éphémère

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to patch up

to put an end to an argument with someone in order to make peace with them

se réconcilier, se rabibocher, recoller les morceaux

se réconcilier, se rabibocher, recoller les morceaux

to woo

to try to make someone love one, especially for marriage

courtiser, faire la cour à

courtiser, faire la cour à

to rekindle

to revive or renew something, such as a relationship or interest, that has faded

raviver, réveiller

raviver, réveiller

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to tie the knot

to become someone's husband or wife in marriage

to antagonize

to provoke and anger someone so much that they start to hate and oppose one



to drift apart

to gradually become less close or connected, often due to a lack of shared interests or diverging paths

s'éloigner, se distancier

s'éloigner, se distancier

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to feud

to have a lasting and heated argument with someone

se quereller

se quereller

to two-time

to betray one's partner by secretly having an affair with someone else at the same time

trahir, infidéliser

trahir, infidéliser

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to chuck

to leave or end a romantic relationship with someone

jeter, quitter

jeter, quitter

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to wear down

to slowly weaken someone's emotional or mental strength over time, often due to continuous pressure or challenges

épuiser, user

épuiser, user

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