Všeobecný Trénink IELTS (Pásmo 8 a Výše) - Romantické vztahy
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s romantickými vztahy, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.
the act of running away with one's lover to get married without the consent of parents

útěk, elopement

the period of time when two people are getting to know each other romantically with the intention of getting married

nástupnictví, zasnoubení

sexual intercourse involving a married person and someone other than their spouse

cizoložství, nevěra

a temporary and intense feeling of romantic or idealized attraction toward someone, often based on superficial qualities and lacking a deep emotional connection

zamilovanost, blouznění

to put an end to an argument with someone in order to make peace with them

usmířit se, srovnat

to revive or renew something, such as a relationship or interest, that has faded

obnovit, oživit

to provoke and anger someone so much that they start to hate and oppose one

antagonizovat, provokovat

to gradually become less close or connected, often due to a lack of shared interests or diverging paths

odcizit se, vzdálit se

to betray one's partner by secretly having an affair with someone else at the same time

zradit, podvést