Liste de Mots Niveau C2 - Mouvements
Vous apprendrez ici tous les mots essentiels pour parler des Mouvements, collectés spécifiquement pour les apprenants du niveau C2.
to quickly move forward while also swaying left and right in an uncontrolled and dangerous way

osciller, tanguer
(of a vehicle) to slide or slip uncontrollably, usually on a slippery surface

déraper, glisser

to move with an unsteady, rocking, or swaying motion, often implying a lack of stability or balance

osciller, vaciller

(of a river, trail, etc.) to follow along a curvy or indirect path

serpenter, faire des méandres
to tread heavily and forcefully, often with a rhythmic or deliberate motion

marcher lourdement, frapper du pied

to perform a gymnastic move involving rolling the body sideways in a full circle, typically with arms and legs extended

faire un salto, exécuter un salto

to twist, turn, or move with quick, contorted motions

se contorsionner, se tortiller

to perform a gymnastic or acrobatic movement in which the body makes a complete revolution, typically forwards or backwards, with the feet passing over the head

faire un saut périlleux, exécuter un saut périlleux

to move quickly and lightly from somewhere or something to another

voltiger, se déplacer rapidement

to move swiftly in a specified direction, leaving a visible trail or mark

tracer, filer