Listă de Cuvinte Nivel C2 - Mișcări
Aici veți învăța toate cuvintele esențiale pentru a vorbi despre Mișcări, colectate special pentru cursanții de nivelul C2.
Fișe de studiu
to quickly move forward while also swaying left and right in an uncontrolled and dangerous way
a se îndrepta rapid, a se clătina
to slide or slip uncontrollably, usually on a slippery surface
aluneca, derapa
to move with an unsteady, rocking, or swaying motion, often implying a lack of stability or balance
zăbovi, oscila
(of a river, trail, etc.) to follow along a curvy or indirect path
a serpui, a se sinua
to tread heavily and forcefully, often with a rhythmic or deliberate motion
călca, tăvăli
to perform a gymnastic move involving rolling the body sideways in a full circle, typically with arms and legs extended
a face un roti, a executa un roti
to twist, turn, or move with quick, contorted motions
a se zbate, a se contorsiona
to perform a gymnastic or acrobatic movement in which the body makes a complete revolution, typically forwards or backwards, with the feet passing over the head
a efectua o săritură, a face o săritură
to move quickly and lightly from somewhere or something to another
a zbura, a se mișca repede
to move swiftly and abruptly in a particular direction
a sări, a se hârșâi
to pull something or someone along the ground, usually with difficulty
trage, deci
to move smoothly and quietly, like a snake
a se strecura, a se furișa
to turn or move around an axis or center
a se roti, a se învârti în jurul
to move quickly and lightly in a particular direction or manner
rapiditate, mișca ușor
to move swiftly in a specified direction, leaving a visible trail or mark
trasa, a se precipita
to get stuck in mud or wet ground, preventing movement
a se împotmoli, a rămâne blocat
to walk with short, clumsy steps and a swaying motion from side to side, typically as a result of being overweight or having short legs
a merge înclinat, a se clătina la mers