पुस्तक Top Notch 1A - इकाई 5 - पाठ 2
यहां आपको टॉप नॉच 1ए कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 5 - पाठ 2 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "मशीन", "डिशवॉशर", "फ़्रीज़र", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
a machine or device that is designed to do a particular thing, like cleaning or cooking, in a home
गृहस्थ उपकरण, घर का उपकरण
any piece of equipment that is mechanical, electric, etc. and performs a particular task
यंत्र, साधन
an electric kitchen appliance used to chop, slice, shred, or puree food
फूड प्रोसेसर, मिक्सर
a device that you use to blow warm air over our hair to dry it
बाल सुखाने का यंत्र, सफर के लिए बाल सुखाने का यंत्र
a pot that has a tight lid and can quickly cook food using high-pressure steam
प्रेशर कुकर, दाब कुकर
an electric machine that is used to clean dishes, spoons, cups, etc.
बर्तन धोने की मशीन
a small and short grain that is white or brown and usually grown and eaten a lot in Asia
an appliance shaped like a box that is used for heating or cooking food by putting food on top or inside the appliance
چولہا, باقرا
an electric device with blades that rotate quickly and keep an area cool
पंखा, वातानुकूलक
a box-shaped equipment used for cooking or heating food by either putting it inside or on top of the equipment
चूल्हा, गैस स्टोव
a box-shaped piece of equipment with a front door that is usually part of a stove, used for baking, cooking, or heating food
ओवन, चूल्हा
an electric kitchen tool used for removing the juice of fruits and vegetables
जूसर, रस निचोड़ने की मशीन
an electric machine used for washing clothes
washing machine, कपड़े धोने की मशीन
a machine used to remove moisture from clothes, hair, or other items through heat or airflow
an electrical device used to blend, mix, or puree food and liquids into a smooth consistency
ब्लेंडर, मिक्सर
an electrical equipment used to keep food and drinks cool and fresh
रेफ्रिजरेटर, फ्रिज
an electrical container that can store food for a long time at a temperature that is very low
an electrical device that pulls up dirt and dust from a floor to clean it
वैक्यूम क्लीनर, इलेक्ट्रिक सफाई उपकरण
a machine that is designed to cool and dry the air in a room, building, or vehicle
एयर कंडीशनर