पुस्तक Face2face - प्रारंभिक - यूनिट 1 - स्वागत है
यहां आपको यूनिट 1 से शब्दावली मिलेगी - फेस2फेस एलीमेंट्री कोर्सबुक में आपका स्वागत है, जैसे "बीस", "कक्षा", "बुधवार", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
a room that students are taught in, particularly in a college, school, or university
कक्षा, क्लासरूम
furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on
furniture with a back and often four legs that we can use for sitting
a set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that we can turn them and read them
किताब, पुस्तक
a tool with a slim piece of wood and a thin, colored part in the middle, that we use for writing or drawing
पेंसिल, pencil
a book or electronic resource that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings, or gives the equivalent words in a different language
an electronic device that is designed to playback audio CDs
सीडी प्लेयर, सीडी पढ़ने वाला
a device that plays content such as movies or shows from flat discs called DVDs on your TV or other display
DVD प्लेयर, डीवीडी पढ़ने वाला
an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs
टीवी, टेलीविजन